As U.S. – Cuban relations warm up and U.S. companies start looking for opportunities to establish a beachhead in Cuba, two market sectors that are regularly mentioned as offering the best opportunities for U.S. businesses are the telecommunications market and the construction (housing) /infrastructure equipment market.
Cuban housing and infrastructure needs are well known and the probable opening of Cuba to U.S. tourism will lead to new investment in hotels and tourist facilities, including improvements to the transportation infrastructure.
While the telecommunications market in Cuba has had the presence of Latin American and European companies, recent easing by the Obama administration will open the field for U.S. telecommunication companies that will serve those who want to stay in touch with their relatives in Florida and the rest of the States.
The following two articles address possible opportunities for U.S. companies in these two markets. U.S. companies have the advantage of proximity to the market which allows for lower transportation costs and the reach of U.S. TV/radio networks signals from which to market your products.
For Virginia based companies in mining and agriculture it is worth noting that Cuba is the tenth largest producer of nickel, and since 2001 U.S. farmers have been shipping their products to Cuba.
The post Future Opportunities in Cuba appeared first on Virginia Economic Development Partnership.